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Project planning for shutdown/turnaround - Offshore


North America


Process mapping of the manufacturing process including de-bottlenecking


Commercial Bid proposal support for ~200 MW Simple Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant Installation with pipeline natural gas supply and existing power grid infrastructure tie-in.


Liaise with customer and Energy Efficiency Alberta (EEA) Allied Partners in Project/Program evolution for GHG reduction developing Custom Energy Solutions


Mega Project Support for Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Gas Compression facility


Preliminary Project review for Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) tie in to existing simple cycle gas turbine to formerly coal-driven steam turbine


Mega Project Nuclear Power Generation Operational Technology (OT) controls upgrade integrating CANDU Nuclear Reactors with Parsons and General Electric Steam Turbines


South America


Acquisition evaluation of reciprocating natural gas engines.


Commercial Bid Proposal for Gas Turbine Facility including Gas Treatment system feed directly from wellhead gas.


Operations and Maintenance (O&M) support for a fleet of reciprocating engine and turbine power generation at multiple sites.

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